Tuesday 30 September 2014

Spider-Man: double page analysis

This double page spread is about the film Spider-man 2, a superhero film which has a target audience of males 12+ and a secondary target audience of families and comic book fans. 

Although you can clearly see this is targeted at a younger age group than the Clash of the Titians double page spread because brighter colours, white, blue and red, have been used and an image of a comic book hero there is a lot of text about this film which shows the target audience of the article may be older comic book fans who like reading more than younger males would.

The layout is similar to the other double spread I looked at as there is a big medium action shot filling over half the spread showing the main character and setting. I like the layout of this and I like the colour scheme because it matches the image and Spiderman. The typography also matches the film. There is no space wasted on this double page spread because the title is large, below it is the main article and down the bottom there is film fact boxes and box office trends in a graph.

I like this double page because there is not wasted space and because the image is dramatic and makes the target audience stop and notice the feature. 

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