Friday 25 October 2013

Researching mise-en-scene for photographic shoots.

In this post I am going to look at the use of Costumes, Props, hair and make up that relates to my music genre. I started of my research by looking at the costumes that people in the pop genre wear. The pop genre normally wears very warm smart fun vibrant clothing, the clothing in Taylor Swifts new song 22 backs this up as she is wearing a range of clothing from very baggy shirts to a fun cat like costume.
The music video clothing also has Taylor wearing a hat which  adds a sense of class to the music video. The clothing is also very warm and parent friendly. One main positive of this type of clothing is it is easy to replicate as most people on average wear pop clothing as its so friendly, however if I wish to make my photos look different I could do something like Lady Ga Ga which is very out there however whatever option I chose will be following Bentleys theory 1997 that said: "The making of the new though the rearranging of the old."

Another good example that shows that the pop genre uses bright clothing is a photo shot of Carly Rae Jepsen who is in very bright vibrant clothing.The image on left backs up my idea that female pop singers wear bright clothing. The image on the top right follows Wolfs theory that:"images of females used by media present females as sex objects." This follows the theory as Carly is just wearing a bra which is covered by a jacket however this attracts the male audience using sex appeal.

When researching about Carly Rae Jepsen I came across this tutorial which shows me how to do her outfit from the song Call Me Maybe. The video is also helpful because it tells me how to do the make up and hair as well as the clothing. Also I think this tutorial will be a good starting point for me as it provides me with all the information I need to do a Carly Rae Jepsen inspired photo shoot.

Props play an important part in any music genre however in Pop they us it to relate to the story in the music video. In pop the use of props mainly consists of small props like glasses which help relate to the music video such as in the music video Last Friday Night by Katy Perry. In the video they also use other small props like braces to add to the geek identity. They also use a laptop to link with the target audience who are stereotyped to be playing on laptops or using it for social media sites. Although they have also used bigger props like the bed which is been show many times in the music video  this relates to the target audience as teens are stereotyped to sleep all day which the centre prop clearly relates to the bed. They also used the bed as the center prop for the music video.

Make up in Pop music is one extreme to another, for example you have Lady Gaga who either wears a lot of make up as on her new album "Applause" or she wears no make up give they target audience the idea that you don't all ways need to wear make up. Although sometimes she does us a little make up like a thunder bolts which are not to off putting however they enhance the photo or video, so when doing my photo-shoot I may need to do something like she did so I can enhance my photos.

When researching about make up and hair I came across this "how to workshop" for doing a Taylor swift style make up and hairstyle. This will relate to my magazine as Taylor Swift is a popular pop singer, if I wanted to do this Taylor Swift inspired look I would need to get:
covergirl blush & foundation
essence mascara
rimmel lipstick
NYX eyeliner
Urban Decay eyeshadow

Hair styles in pop is always changing and in turn it changes the public hair, for example Justin Bieber he did have long hair and as much that males say they did not like him they followed his style of hair cut to get female appeal following Dyers theory 1993 that argues: "how we are seen determines how we are treated." This theory is still followed today as Justin Bieber now has short hair and now the males that once had long hair now have short hair like his. Although female hair stays around the same in the pop genre as most female pop singers have long straight hair and therefore so does the target audience. Although as you can see in some of the images below pop singers also have little curls at the end of their hair.The reason they have long hair is because stereotypical men like women with long hair and because society has taught us that female should have long hair and men should have short hair.

However one female Pop singer who does
not have long hair is Miley Cyrus who is the daughter of  the famous country singer Billy
Ray Cyrus.In the period of a couple of years
she has turned  from TV star on the Disney
show Hannah Montana where she was stereotypical the perfect good teen girl with
long hair and a perfect roll model. However
now she has short hair and is seen as a bad example. She or so sells herself  more to the
male market because of the way she portrays
herself in music videos like wrecking ball.


The image to  the left is when she was doing the TV show with long her and the image to the right is present date with her short hair.

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