majority of people reading the magazine will fall into the audience demographic at band B down to D this is due to it mainly talking about high end films by big companies and no small end films so it will appeal to high and lower classes.
The layout of the contents page is quite simple with
one column about the key topics with the page numbers to the left side of the
text however I don’t like the idea of having the page number before the text
which as I think the page number is better placed after the text. However the layout
is very good because it is very clear and simple to read. The layout is effective
because of the way that it makes the image link to what is on the context
page and links with key stories in the magazine. Also they have made the image
the key part of the content page because they made the image of the women’s
head go over the text 'contents'. The use of mise-en-scene is also very good as all the text and images link with the cinema theme.
The typography in this text is effective as all the
fonts used are simple and clear to read. One of the main parts of typography
used on the context page is the empire text logo, which is the same font, and
as the cover page so people can relate the two pages. They have also put the
date in average font (July 2012) so that people will know that they have not
just read the magazine again for a second time. One problem is the issue page is not
on the context page which you would expect to be on the contents page so that
people could also tell if they have read the magazine before by reading the issue
number. One of the key parts I like about the typography is that they have the
key parts in red so it pops out at the audiences and then has less important
information in white so the red text stands out even more. Another part I like
about the typography is that the page number is the same size as the whole page
descriptions which helps the page numbers stand out from the bright red text. The one key part of connotation I like about the magazine is the brand logo Empire which means a big group of people under one person but they have changed the world into a new type of empire and made there own magazine empire. A key part of denotation I like is how they have put "contents" in big writing which informs the reader of the start of the magazine. The magazine has also used a good part of lexis as they say "first look : Ted" giving the reader the idea you can read it first here.
Analysis of GQ contents page.

layout of the context page is acceptable however it looks too much for one page and look may put of the reader. Although I really like the left hand column as it looks neat and tidy I also like how the page numbers are in bright red to
stand out to the reader, unlike the Empire magazine the tile of each of
story does not stand out like the empire magazine however apart from that
there is not much I like about the GQ magazine as it is not as reader friendly
as the Empire magazine.
use of colour in the GQ magazine is a little dull, they may of used more colours
than in the Empire magazine contents page however GQs contents looks a little
cheap and unprofessional . The uses of mise-en-scene is also very good as the surfer costume in the image will appeal to the male audience by keeping to the idea of the sports theme.
typography in the GQ contents page is very different from the Empire contents
page. The GQ contents page has a big area titled contributors, the
empire contents page does not have text like this which I think is nice, on the
GQ contents page however above the word contributor is some more text which looks
out of place and does not need to be there. The magazine has also used a good lexis as they have the word sport on the contents page 3 times and other words to do with sport which is really good as it really links with the male target audiences. One main pieces of typography I
like on the page is that it has the issue number on the contents page which Empire did not
have on the page as it only had the date.One piece of text
I do not like is the small text in the bottom left corner which just makes the
page look more cluttered. The use of connotation is very good as they have put the words classic moments in sports which straight away makes you think. The use of denotation is also good as they have put the word kick off which is always been linked to football in capitals which grabs the attention of any football fan.
is a lot more images in the GQ contents page unlike
the Empire contents page which only had one image. However they have one main image which is a wide shot showing of the surfer. There is then three medium shots at the bottom right corner. There is then a image of Mike Tyson on a GQ cover page in the bottom left corner. The use of images on the page is acceptable but its just random unlike the Empire cover page which was well placed and thought out, the main image on the GQ contents page which fits in with the magazine genre but the image should of been more focused. The use of iconography is also very good as in the first magazine as the main image links in with the sports theme of the magazine, I also think by using this wide angle action shot it really draws in the reader. The use of semiotics is very good, they have the image of the surfer with the LG logo on which is seen as a high end brand giving the audiences the idea that this magazine is a high end product.
the Empire contents page which only had one image. However they have one main image which is a wide shot showing of the surfer. There is then three medium shots at the bottom right corner. There is then a image of Mike Tyson on a GQ cover page in the bottom left corner. The use of images on the page is acceptable but its just random unlike the Empire cover page which was well placed and thought out, the main image on the GQ contents page which fits in with the magazine genre but the image should of been more focused. The use of iconography is also very good as in the first magazine as the main image links in with the sports theme of the magazine, I also think by using this wide angle action shot it really draws in the reader. The use of semiotics is very good, they have the image of the surfer with the LG logo on which is seen as a high end brand giving the audiences the idea that this magazine is a high end product.
conclusion both magazine contents pages have pros and cons for example my
favourite part of the Empire magazine is that the image is the focus of the
page and everything else comes second. My favourite part of the GQ magazine
content page is the bright red page numbers which really jumps out at the
reader. However what I dislike the most about the Empire contents page is that
they don’t have an issue number on it. What I dislike the most about the GQ
contents page is that they didn’t use the full potential of the surfer image.
So in reflection both magazine contents page have their positives and negatives
but I must say I think Empire is the most appealing of the two contents pages.
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