Saturday 21 September 2013

Audience research

After looking at some magazines I wanted to do some research  on what I should do on my magazine. So I went onto survey monkey and made a survey I then put the like on Facebook and got my friends to answer  the survey as they are the chosen target audiences= however only 3 people answered my survey and they where all aged between 14 to 16 years old as you can see on the chart.

However on the next chart it shows a balanced response as each of my 3 people chose a different answers so this could effect my results as it means I will have people from different backgrounds and social groups  answering questions.

Sadly as I got only 3 people to answer my survey all of them are male this could been that my magazine could end up appealing more to males than a mixed gender audience.However next time I will make sure to send my survey by email and Facebook so more people will get it and I will have more of mixed gender results. I will also try to get a whole class to fill it out to make sure I have some more mixed gender answers.      

In the next chart it shows me 2 out of the 3 of my people are Cornish so I will try to put a Cornish theme in my work, that could mean I have to take photos in Cornwall to pull in my target audience or it could mean I  have to add a Cornish themed story or the Cornish flag on my magazine.                                    

This chart shows that the majority of people that answered my questionnaire do not read the college magazine which is the same as me and hopefully as they do not like the current college magazines it will be easier to appeal to my target audiences.

My target research has told me that WHAAM! is the best name for my magazine and I am glad that they did not choose "ham" as it was a silly idea I had. And the name "school" was just to simple for the college magazine and I do not think it would be appealing and my results have told me that its not the right name

With this question I have made a mistake as I forgot the" like" in my question. However I do agree with the results as it tells me that the images are not good which I also think. One person also thought the colour was not up to scratch however I will focus more on the pictures as this was the main problem, picked out and then focus on the colour afterwards.
This graph is a little pointless as it tells me nothing as each person has chosen each option, when they just said above  they disliked the pictures and they all now say they like them because of this in reflection I will have no idea how to make my magazine relate to the target audiences apart from my own opinion.

This question tells me that I need clear photos as 100%  of the people answered by saying they would like to see clear photos. Also at 30% was clear text and images that relate to the target audiences. So first I need to include clear images and then clear text which is important to get people reading my magazine.I will also need photos that will relate to my audiences so I can pull in my target audiences of 11 to 19 year olds.

1 comment:

  1. Proficient research into your target audience well done. In order to conduct/present excellent audience research for your main task survey more people, do more surveys at different points in the project and comment in more detail on how your ideas have been shaped by primary and secondary audience research.
