Tuesday 23 September 2014

Shutter Island: film poster analysis

Shutter Island is going to be the first of three film posters I analyses. Shutter Island is a 2010 hit mystery thriller film which had a very famous A List celebrity Leonardo Dicaprio as the main star vehicle. The reason I am analyzing this film poster is because at present the short film out group is making is similar in genre to this one.

What I find very interesting about this poster is the extreme close up of the star at the top holding a match. I like this image because
of how his eyes are just focused on the match this really makes you look at the match and wonder why he is in the dark and what he is looking at. Also his facial impression just gives the person looking at the poster this sense of the intensity that will be in this film. The bottom image shows a long shot of island it with a outer glow around it to make it stand out and look like it is what the match light is showing. This links the star to the setting and makes the narrative look interesting.

The colour scheme is white, blue, red and black and I think these work on the poster to show the genre and make the poster look interesting. The reason I like this is because how most of the colour on the image comes from the blue off the water and the blue white glow around the island. What I also like about their uses of colour is how they have used red to make some key information really stand out of the page for example they used it to make the release date really stands out because it is put in red text. I also like how they put the slogan “some places never let you go” in red as that really gets you to think about what the film could be like and connotes danger and death.

The typography works with the colours and images, I particularly like the title font because it looks ghostly and has a outer glow effect like the island over the top of the letters which make it standout on the page. Above in the same font but in a smaller size is “Leonardo Dicaprio” to show he is the star of the film, this helps sell the film to the public because he is a very well known actor. 


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