Tuesday 23 September 2014

Eagle Eye Film Poster Analysis

The second film poster I will be analysing is going Eagle Eye, which like my last poster I looked at the genre of the film, is action, mystery and thriller. The film main target audiences for the film is males 12+ who like this genre with a secondary audience of women/families. 

What I like about this poster is how it is the opposite of the last film poster I looked at because it is packed with bright colours and images that make the layout and film look more exciting. Also the layout of one image at the top in blues and one at the bottom in fire colours creates more of a mystery and shows the hybrid genres.

What I first like the most about the images used is how the colours and content show different things about the genre and narrative. At the top their is a medium close up of the two main characters while at the bottom you have a medium shot of a character running from an explosion. I really like this because the top image shows it is a sci-fi and the bottom shows it is an action which attracts different people in the audience. It also looks like the bottom scene is in the same location as the top which hints that it is the future and gives a hologram effect. The bottom image will attract males because he shows a male character running from an explosion made more dramatic by a red overlay that gives a sense of the danger and excitement that will be in the film. The blue overlay over the top image makes the bottom one look more dramatic.

Moving onto typography, I really like how they have just grouped the text all at the bottom of the poster because this means the images dominate and tell more of a story. The typography they use follows the conventions you expect from the genre because it looks sci-fi and modern in metal colours the target audience will like. Having the actors names above the title is another conventions they use that I now have come to expect to see for this genre because I have seen it on most the pictures I looked at - I will need to remember these conventions when I create my own poster.

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