Tuesday 30 September 2014

Clash of the Titians: double page analysis

The first film double page I am going to look at is one for the film Clash of the Titians a film with a target audience of males 12+. I also think they have targeted this double page spread to the same age group because of how they have used colours, images and text. The text does not take up too much of the page which represents males who don't like reading a lot most of the spread is taken up with a big title and images; a medium shot of a main character on the left and another shot from the film - a medium close up overlapping the image and text.

The images show that the film will have characters that are aggressive and violent, the text also shows the the narrative will be about dramatic fights because it says; “God and Monsters.”.I like the style of typography they used for this text because they have used a very roman style font which relates to the Gods aspect of the film and makes you think of old gladiator fighting. There is also more text above the title and also underneath however compared to other double page spreads I have seen this double page spread does not include that much text.

What I practically like about the double page is the colour scheme which is; grey, black, white and gold. I like how they have used the gold to make key parts of text standout such as the title and select parts of the text below in the main article.  I also like how white has been used to make a white boarder around the second image on the double page spread to make it stand out more. The grey and black works to show the audience this is a male film. The white background behind the text has been made to look faded like old paper which is more visually appealing and links to the setting of the film.

Another part I like is the image they have used underneath the second page which adds to the whole Greek feel of the double page spread. This also makes the empty space up the top more interesting because the photo/ texture is more dominate in the top section of the double page spread. Although looking over the whole double page spread there is one main problem I have, which is,  there is such a big empty space in the top section of the second page which could have been used to include more images such as like the one with the border which is a medium long shot or the main image which is a long shot, the reason I think they should have filled this space is because I think it’s a wasted chance because they have left such a big space.

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