Monday 22 September 2014

Short film analysis The Heist

The Heist

The Heist is a comedy/crime short film, which lasts for just over 9 minutes. During the narrative of the short film you follow the story of two incompetent young males who pull a armed robbery/heist on a warehouse. Where they believed there are jewels being stored however once they get in the warehouse they are shocked to find out that its not jewels but something a lot less rewarding. What makes the film a bit funny is that the characters are not your stereotypical robbers as they are not very well built and look a but weedy, also they wear the cloths that look out of place for the genre which makes the heist look a little ridiculous. 

The short film starts of with both of this males in a car and this is where the audiences really starts to see the characters relationship with each other which is a bit of a brother relationship because of the way they treat each other and how they look out for one enough. The film then quickly moves onto them going in the warehouse and  you get this longshot looking at them which just shows this is a big warehouse they also a uses a over the shoulder shot later on in the clip which really gives you this more action fill to the film which is also helped by the non-diegetic music. You also then coming out of the over the shoulder shot you have the person sweep around a corner and then the camera does the same which makes you as a viewer think your there alongside this person which intern makes the viewer seem part of the film. Moving on later in the clip you have the two people meet in the centre of the warehouse and in this scene the dialogue is really good because it shows you how it’s a comedy because just how they speak and treat each other. One of the other features which makes the scene comical apart from the dialogue is the there body posture and how they are acting with each other. 

The film is very good because though you have a range of camera shots and dialogue which makes the viewer fill part of the heist. At the start of the short film they uses a establishing shot to establish the location of the car park this also helps show the audience where the film is set. And truly I think the purpose of the film is to get you to think what if I tried to rob a warehouse could I do any better. It also gets to think about if you were to rob a warehouse who would you work with because this two charters where not the smartest however they were a team but the where not a good team as they were not the smartest however they did have trust in each other. Which makes you think do you have anyone you trust so much to undertake a heist.

Although the thing that makes this short film is the dialogue which really makes this short film a comedy. Also I keep going on about it however the dialogue really shows the relationship between the two people also the dialogue helps you relate to the characters as it starts to make you think of friends who re just like this two charters. Although the music gives this sense of action in the clip as its used to keep the film going at a nice fast pace. A example of a part of the film which I really fill like they used music to there advantage was were they used non-diegetic sound (music) when the two males where doing the heist this made the scene very donate however at the same time very fast paced. So, overall throughout the short film the music and dialogue really makes this short film interesting and makes you feel like you have a personal connection to the characters.

So, in conclusion this is a great example of a short film as it really shows no matter how long a film is you can still make the viewer really get to know and care about the characters through the use of sound (music and dialogue), narrative, camera work and editing.

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