Wednesday 10 September 2014

History and background of Short Film

To start with I asked myself the question what is a short film? Through online research I found out that a short film is normally a low budget film that has been made either to entertain or get across a message. A short film can be anywhere from 3 minutes - 40 minutes long and the development of technology and online programs like YouTube means it is now easier than ever for anyone to make a short film. Short film are also sometimes used to raise money for example for charities, for example lots of people make short films for Red Noise Day and Comic Relief.

Okay, now time to look where it all started... the first short films were presented to the public in 1894 through Thomas Edisons Kinetoscope which let them watch the shot films.  One of the most popular films from this time was Lumiere brothers "Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat" (1895) which had some audiences fleeing in terror.  Although though the development of technology in the early 1900’s films became a lot longer than previously available. Then from about 1910 onward there now became a demand for longer films and this is really where short films stopped and they became films there is still a demand for short films however it has lowered in the pass years.

Below are the 7 rules for creating a good short film according to Raindance:
1)     The shorter the better
2)     Keep the practicalities of writing in mind
3)     Make it visual
4)     Find single moments
5)     Tell a story
6)     Engage the reader Beware of the clichĂ©s

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