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The majority of the double page spread is taken up by a wide angle shot where you have the two main characters in a very dark location. The reason you know it is dark is because of the use of the torches in the image that the characters are holding. Overall this image gives a sense of suspense because of the mise-en-scene makes you wonder what the characters are doing and they look nervous which makes the atmosphere scary. The use of the torch in the photo also links in with trying to create a scary atmosphere as these are a convention of horror films but this is a bit confusing as this film is more of a
psychological thriller than a horror.
In terms of layout, after the main image you also have two other images which are medium shots from other films down in the right column. You then have about one third of the page taken up with text while the remaining space is white. The article is in columns under the main image and this layout is different to the other ones I have seen because the main image is above the text not on the opposite page.
The colour pallet is; white, black, blue and red, the same colours that are on the poster for this film which shows the genre. But on this double page spread they fit film magazine conventions as some colours are used more than others. For example black is used for about 95% of the text, meaning you then have about 3% of the text consisting of blue and red which is used to highlight key feature of text. I particularly like how they have used red and blue to highlight key features because this just makes you more drawn to that section, for example if you were just flicking though the magazine and you came across this page you would straight away be drawn to the blue and red sections as they are just bolder and stand out against the black and white. This could be a nice idea to bear in mind for my feature article because it would be good to make the key feature of the article stand out to the audiences.
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