Wednesday 25 September 2013

Original images

This is one of my images I took which I was thinking of using for my magazine  cover page, however a thought it was to intense for my target audiences so I decided not to use it for my cover page.

I choose to use this image for my magazine cover page because it is less intense on the reader and because of this it will appeal more to the target audience. I also thought the image quality was a lot better on this image than the image above.

This is the main image I choose to use for my contents page because I thought it fitted with the story of boy genius as he looks intelligent in the image unlike the image below.

I choose not to use this image because it looks tacky and my target audiences research told me that I need clear not blurred images when clearly this image is blurred and because of that it will put people of reading it.

I choose to use this image because it involves a person in very modern clear clothes which will appeal to the target audience, I also thought the background also went well with the music themed story.

I choose to use this image because it is a good medium close up which links will with the football story.

I choose to not use this image because it is to zoomed out and you can not see the facial expression like in the image above.

I choose to use this image because I thought the lighting was very good and it looked really good with the story I also thought if I was to improve it I would make him wear a hoodie to fit in with stereotypes of hoodies being bad or trouble.As I did not use it it may appeal more to my audience as I have not used the stereotype.

1 comment:

  1. You are starting to develop your photography skills, continue to experiment with interesting compositions and mise-en-scene. In terms of your commentary, you need to write a bit more for each shot - make sure you continue to use the correct terminology and that you refer to your SurveyMonkey results.
