Friday 25 October 2013

Flat Plans

After doing my audience research I sketched out some flat plans of my cover contents and feature article page which are shown below.
On the left is my cover page and on the right hand side is my contents page.

To the right is my sketch of my plan for my feature article.

Below are some flat plans for one cover, one contents page and one feature article I did not uses these flat plans when making my three pieces of work.
The reason I  did not use the cover page to the left is because it was just to cramped and parts like the barcode were to big. Another thing I disliked was the free poster box which is just to big for where it is.

On the right hand side is my contents page. One of the reasons I chose not to use it is  when looking at convention of a pop contents page they don't use the word contents. I also did not use it because I thought my other draft was more reader friendly.

I chose not to uses this double spread because when looking at other flat plans this flat plan looked a little boring.

To left hand side is another front cover flat plan however I chose not to follow it as it is over crowded.

On the right hand side is another contents page flat plan the reason I did not follow it is because it just to simple and the top of the charts section is not really relevant for the audience I am aiming my magazine at.

on the left hand side is a flat plan for a double page spread I chose not to use it because it was to formal  and looks more like a article which you find in a indie magazine.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent work on flat plans, just make sure you also post the ones you didn't use.
