Wednesday 11 December 2013

Original Images

Here are some of my original images.
The image to the left is what I used for my contents page and I used it because it followed conventions that I have seen in pop magazines. These magazines normally use a image of the main story as the main focus of the contents page and this is what I have done by using this image.

At first I was planning to use this image to the left for my contents page instead of the one above this is because of how they are standing together in the image on the left telling the reader they are a team however in the image above they are a bit more separated. However the reason I did not use it is in pop magazines you either have one band member in a photo or all of them together so to follow the convention I used the image above. I also thought of using the image for my double page spread but I did not as once again I did not want to break the convention.

When look at content pages I observed they normally used a range of images on it so I got a medium shot of each member of silky cool posing. What I like about the images is that each pose is a little different and shows there own personality (for example the shy one)  in the image.I used  a blue ground on all of my images as  I had a colour scheme of blue, however if I was to change anything it would be where I placed the blue background as in my images you see the light from the windows. However one other problem I have with the images is that the first two look scared when the other too are posing and getting into it.

This image I used for my feature article, when looking at feature articles I came across the convention that when a group is invoked in a image they always have images of them messing around so I tried to get them to look like they are having fun to follow the convention however one problem I have when observing  the image now is that they don't look that happy.

The image to the left I used for my cover page., I was planning to use the image on the right which I think followed conventions more which are its normally a male on the cover of a magazine, two, he or she is normally posing and the final thing which makes me like the image to the right more is the background however it is blurrier which takes away the main appealing part of the image. For that  reason I chose to use the image to the left because it is not blurred at  is overall a more appealing image as its not blurrier.

When making improvements to my cover I found apart from the boys I had nothing to attract  the feminine eye so I first decided to add a fashion section. I have seen a lot on pop magazines and this is a convention I should have followed from the start. I tried to get a piece of clothing to appeal to each or all ages. First I took a image of the jacket to the left which is also the same jacket to the one you see on one of my other images below. I did this as it may appeal to girls who want to rebel.Another reason I chose to use this image is it shows the whole jacket which is not shown on one of the images below alongside my third reason which is people will see her wear the jacket and they will then want it themselves. The second image which is the scarf, I tied it as when looking at scarfs on pop magazines they normally do something to appeal to the audience so to follow the convention I simply tied the scarf.

The finale pieces of fashion I put on my magazine was the image to the left. The reason I used a image of glasses was to appeal to the second target which is gay men. One problem I have with the image is that you have a reflection on the lens of the glasses however I don't think that on my magazine its that noticeable.

Here is the image I was talking about with the coat however that is not the reason I used it, I used it as I think it was the best out of my images that related to my target audience as its a teenager who looks a little upset and angry.

The next image to the left I like as now I have a happy and sad image of two different girls.What I like more about this image is that unlike the image to the left the girl on the right is more happy ,whilst in the image to the left she should be                                 mainly sad and not as angry as she appears

Here are the finale two images  I used on my cover. I really like the image on the right because I find it very appealing because he is not just standing there in comparison to the image on the left, however, the image on the left I like and used as he is more of the bad boy of the band and the guy on the right is the one every girl fancies.

The reason I did not use the image on the left instead of the image above on the left is simply because his moving his hand which one looks blurred and furthermore you would not see it a in a magazine like Top Of The Pops so I declined to use it.
The image to the right I was planning to use above the image above on the right however I then noticed his left eye was looking straight up so I used the image above.

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