Tuesday 17 December 2013

Cover construction

To start of the construction of my cover page I first put my main image on a A4 page. I put my image on first so I could easily work around it this is because I wanted the image to be one of the main focuses of my magazine cover page.
For the next stage of the construction of my magazine I put a barcode in the bottom right corner.I then added some information such as the issue number and price of the magazine by using the Horizontal text tool.
For the next step I put my masthead in the top left corner this is to follow the common conventions that I have seen in other magazines like We Love Pop and Top of the Pops. I then put a box at the bottom of the page with the rectangle marque tool and used the paint bucket tool to make the box blue. I repeated that process and added two yellow boxes inside the blue boxes.

To finish the blue box of at the bottom of the page put the text 6 FREE POSTER in capital letters so it would stand out, I did this with the Horizontal text tool. I also put two images in the two yellow boxes the reason I did this is as it allows the reader to see what posters they will get for there money and it would mean they don't  need to flick all the way though the magazine to have peek at the posters.

For the next stage of my cover page I used  the rectangle marquee tool to make a box and then used the paint bucket to make it blue, I  placed it on the top of the page then used the horizontal text tool to put the text OMG in the blue and then put a brief sentence around it which tells the reader about the story.
To finish of my cover page I added the rest of the stories by repeating the last step. The reason I  made my cover page like it  is I wanted to follow the conventions I found when looking at Top of the Pops, We Love Pop and Billboard, this follows Bentley who in 1997 said that "The creative process is the rearranging of the old to create the new."

After looking at my final cover I decided somethings needed improving because for a start it was a very male appealing magazine because of the blue and yellow colours which appeal more to the male audience. So I started my improvements by involving pink on my magazine. Also when look at my cover I realised I did not use any girls on my front cover so I added two different images of two different girls on my front cover.  To appeal more to the female audience. I also put a fashion section on my cover to once again appeal to the female audiences as stereotypically females like  fashion.  
Below is my finale design.

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