Thursday 19 December 2013

Feature Article Draft 2

After having a second look at my feature article draft I saw a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes so I went back though my feature article draft and this was the finale outcome.  

Silky Cool with all the answers
On this page you will find out 
everything you will ever need to know
about everyone's favourite 
Boy Band Silky Cool.

Who was your role model as a kid?

Jordon: My role model as a kid, was Ryan Giggs because when I was young I loved to watch football at the weekend with my dad.

Reece: My role model was Tom Jones mainly because I wanted to be as famous as him.

Jack: My role model was my Dad who brought me up after my mum died.

Zack: For me my role model is my mum who always supported me when my dad said I could not do it, but I have shown him I can do it.

At what age did you have your first kiss?

Jordon: My first girlfriend was when I was 12. Her name was Sarah we met on a family holiday.

Reece: My first girlfriend was Janet my next-door neighbour; I was about 8 at the time.

Jack: Well I have never had a girlfriend but my first kiss was when I was 9.

Zack: For me I had my first girlfriend when I was 11, I was going out with a girl from school called Abbie.

If could be another member of the group who would it be?

Jordon: I would want to be Zack the lady’s man.

Reece: I’d like to be Jack because I would like to be as funny as him.

Jack: I would like to be Zack because I would like to be the center of attention for a change.

Zack: For me I would be Jordon so I could do 50 keepy-uppies.

Who is the most famous celebrity you know?

Jordon: My most famous celebrity friend I know is probably Olly Murs. We first met at V festival in 2011.

Reece: I’d say the most famous person I know is Prince Harry.

Jack: I don’t really socialise outside the band so it is probably Jordon, Reece or Zack.

Zack: The most famous celebrity I know is probably Katy Perry.

What did you want to be when you were ten?

Jordon: My dream was to become a pop star. My dream is coming true.

Reece: Well when I was ten I wanted to be a fireman like my dad.

Jack: I wanted to become a check out person in Morrisons because I found it fun bag packing with the Scouts as a kid.

Zack: I really wanted to be a doctor and follow my parents’ footsteps.

What would be your perfect date?

Jordon: My perfect date is a night out in the cinema eating hot dogs.

Reece: The perfect date for me is sitting at home watching TV and eating take away.

Jack: My perfect date would be anywhere with my girlfriend.

Zack: The perfect date would have to be in France on top of the Eiffel Tower.

How much would it cost for you to kiss a member of the public?

Jordon: I could not put money on a kiss it is only for the people you love.

Reece: £1000 and then I may think about it.

Jack: I could not sell a kiss because it is a special thing that is personal to me, and the person I kiss.

Zack: £100 a nice round number.

Have you ever used your singing skills to impress a girl?

Jordon: Yeah why not, you need to do anything to get ahead of the competition.

Reece: My singing may impress some girls, however, I don’t do it to just impress girls I do it because I enjoy singing.

Jack: I never thought of trying that, maybe I will try sometime in the future.

Zack: Yeah if you got it flaunt it.

Describe your perfect party?

Jordon: My perfect party would be in a pub with the rest of the guys.

Reece: The perfect party for me is a loud wild nightclub, with the guys.

Jack: My perfect party is a couple of beers with the guys at home watching the TV.

Zack: The most perfect party I could think of is a night out in London at my favourite club with the guys.

Everyone has their own nickname what is yours? 

Jordon: My nickname is ‘Giggs’ because of my football skills.

Reece: My nickname is ‘Rise’ because I’m always the first one up in the morning.

Jack: My nickname is ‘Jackie’ because according to the guys, I sometimes act a little like a girl.

Zack: ‘Wild’ that is my nickname because I am.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Cover construction

To start of the construction of my cover page I first put my main image on a A4 page. I put my image on first so I could easily work around it this is because I wanted the image to be one of the main focuses of my magazine cover page.
For the next stage of the construction of my magazine I put a barcode in the bottom right corner.I then added some information such as the issue number and price of the magazine by using the Horizontal text tool.
For the next step I put my masthead in the top left corner this is to follow the common conventions that I have seen in other magazines like We Love Pop and Top of the Pops. I then put a box at the bottom of the page with the rectangle marque tool and used the paint bucket tool to make the box blue. I repeated that process and added two yellow boxes inside the blue boxes.

To finish the blue box of at the bottom of the page put the text 6 FREE POSTER in capital letters so it would stand out, I did this with the Horizontal text tool. I also put two images in the two yellow boxes the reason I did this is as it allows the reader to see what posters they will get for there money and it would mean they don't  need to flick all the way though the magazine to have peek at the posters.

For the next stage of my cover page I used  the rectangle marquee tool to make a box and then used the paint bucket to make it blue, I  placed it on the top of the page then used the horizontal text tool to put the text OMG in the blue and then put a brief sentence around it which tells the reader about the story.
To finish of my cover page I added the rest of the stories by repeating the last step. The reason I  made my cover page like it  is I wanted to follow the conventions I found when looking at Top of the Pops, We Love Pop and Billboard, this follows Bentley who in 1997 said that "The creative process is the rearranging of the old to create the new."

After looking at my final cover I decided somethings needed improving because for a start it was a very male appealing magazine because of the blue and yellow colours which appeal more to the male audience. So I started my improvements by involving pink on my magazine. Also when look at my cover I realised I did not use any girls on my front cover so I added two different images of two different girls on my front cover.  To appeal more to the female audience. I also put a fashion section on my cover to once again appeal to the female audiences as stereotypically females like  fashion.  
Below is my finale design.

Monday 16 December 2013

Feature article construction

When I started making my feature article I first placed the image of my band silky cool in the top right corner. Although by putting the image in the corner I have broken conventions as on all the double page spreads I have seen of the same genre they put the main image in the centre of the double page spread.I chose to use this image of  Silky Cool making fun poses this follows what Hebdige said in 1988 which is youth are represented as either "fun or trouble."
For the next stage I added a box with the rectangle marquee tool, I then used the paint bucket tool to make the box orange. The reason I used the colour orange is because I wanted to keep the same colour scheme that I used on the cover and contents page this follows some conventions that I found when analysing pop magazines as all magazine have one colour scheme for each issue of a magazine.

For the next step I added another two boxes with the rectangle Marque tool. After that I then made one box blue and the other box orange.

For the next stage I just added two more boxes with the rectangle Marque tool, I then used the paint bucket to make one box blue and the other orange. The reason I chose to put the boxes on the double page spread was to follow conventions as with the majority of double page spreads I have seen they have put text in to boxes, this follows  what Bentley said in 1997 which was "The creative process is the rearranging of the old to create the new."

For the next stage I started to add text by adding the title of the story Silky Cool (this text I downloaded from free urban fonts). (I used a bold text following common conventions) I then added a question and answer in the bottom right corner using the horizontal text tool. I also had the text in a black text to follow the common convention.

After that step I added another question and the answers by using the horizontal text tool also the reason I have made the text small is because most pop magazines have text around the size of 12, so to follow a common convention I made the text around the size of 12 to follow this common convention.

For the next step I added the page numbers  by using the horizontal text tool. A double page spread needs to have a page number because without the page numbers it would be a lot harder to find the page/story you are looking for.

For the next step I simply just added more text by using the horizontal text tool.
For the next step I added another question and answer to my double page spread by using the horizontal text tool.

For the next step I added some more text by using the horizontal text tool once again.

For this step I added another question and answer using the horizontal text tool. I put it in the bottom left corner so the box became full.

For this part I added little brief idea of what is going to be on the page in a yellow font the reason behind doing this is that I want the brief sentences to look different and not look like its part of the main subject of the double page spread, to do this I used the horizontal text tool and chose the colour yellow.

Now to finish of my double page spread I filled in the leftover space in the orange box using the horizontal text tool.

After having a second look at my double page spread I saw some spelling problems I also added more detail.So I changed the layout of my double page spread I also used more vibrant colours to follow conventions of a pop magazine.
Below are two different layout designs I made and the final design.

After asking my target audiences what they would want my final feature article looks like so.