Friday 2 January 2015

Costume design sketches

Her are some sketches (bottom of the page) I have done of the clothing the actors will be wearing during the short film. For the short film I decided we would keep the clothing very simple I did this though use very simple colour such as black which is a colour used for a least one piece of everyone's clothing.  Sarah clothing  I decide to kept it very simple with a black t-shirt, jeans and black shows the reason for this very unadventurous clothing is because I did not wanted Sarah to look different instead I wanted her to look like a normal every day girl this was so the viewers could relate to her. This is a convention which I kept finding poping up in films of this genre, a film which I  can relate this to is Paranormal Activity where you have people like Diana a unknown actress in every day clothing which just makes you relate better to her below is a image of her in Paranormal Activity.

I also did the same thing with Hugo's clothing I did this though having him in a hoodie which stereotyped as a pieces of clothing for people around Hugo's age. Although for Deluca I made him have more adventurous clothing because he is the main character and I wanted him to be seen as different I did this though having him wear clothing such as a pea coat. A good example of this would be the swan queen in the Black Swan where the main character wears very unique style of clothing shown in the image below however you could argue that Deluca is a lot less extreme however this is just a convention which I have taken on board but put my own twist to it.

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