Thursday 18 December 2014

Actor Change

On Tuesday 16th December, we had planned to do a second shoot of the scene we had already done, however Travis did not come so we have now replaced him with Ryan and once Callum is back after Christmas he will return to his role of Hugo.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Throwing A Punch and make up research

For my short film there are not any special effects needed as all of the murders in the short film are done without seeing the person getting murdered, for example when Deluca kills Hugo you see the back of Hugo so you don't see where he gets hit with the rock so this means that really I only need to research into how to throw a punch for the murder/fight scene to look real.

As the short film includes a fight scene I thought it would be suitable to do some research into fight scenes and how to throw a punch. Below is a video, which guided me while doing my research as it told me about how the camera angles make big differences when throwing a punch. The video also showed how to throw a punch, which will also help when trying to make the fight in the film seem realistic.

 For my short film I also needed to look at make up conventions for a psychological thriller however  I found for a psychological thriller both genders don't really wear make up, apart from girls may wear a little eye liner. Nothing special, unlike if I was doing a horror, as this  would have meant I needed to research more into this as horror involve a lot more make up. In the psychological thrillers I have looked at females are mainly just putting on eye liner which is a simple technique which is  shown  in the video below.  

Filming our first scene

After filming the first scene for the short film  I have come up with the following  conclusions of what went well and what I could improve on.

What went well
  • Camera shots were perfect.
  • Majority of the shots had enough light, however one thing to improve on is how we blocked out the light in some clips, so when looking at the video the lighting sometimes dramatically changes. 
  • Actors acting was professional and to a high standard.
  • Everyone had there role in the film,  Alex was director of photography, Dan as script supervisor and my self as the lighting technician we may have not followed the crew list, however I don't see this as a problem as we all found places where we were better suited.
What we could improve
  • After asking for actors to come in casual clothing they turned up in school uniform, so that meant they ended up borrowing  clothing, so for the next stage of filming we will need to remember the same clothing.
  • Actors did not know all the lines so filming  took longer than should have, so we need to tell them in advance when  filming will commence  so they can practice their lines.

Actor Change

Actor Change
Due to an accident at ruby we have sadly had to replace Callum Starr as he will be off school for  three weeks, so for this reason we have had to find a replacement for Callum and luckily we found a replacement before we did our scene rehearsal. In conclusion Callum has now been replaced by Ryan Heanre.

Thursday 11 December 2014


For this short film we needed three actors one female and two males.  As a group we chose to have Travis Brown as Edward/Peter, Rose Harris as Sarah and Callum Starr as Hugo. Below is a video of  Rose and Travis running through a scene together, however Callum was unavailable at the time so we only ran through a scene involving the characters Sarah and Edward.