Friday 24 October 2014

Poster and Double Page Flat Plans

Below are my three film poster flats plans. I decided to go with the third design as it is the most unique and more people liked it when I did a surveymonkey on it and asked my audience what they thought. 

Moving onto the double page spread, below are my three flat plans. I have chosen to use design two because I think the layout looks better as it follows more of the conventions that I have seen on existing  double page film articles. I also think it is the more visual pleasing design due to the wide range of images which are used in it. The images seem to break up the text which also makes all of the text a lot less scary and less off putting for the reader.

Thursday 23 October 2014

Institution Research (Magazine)

For my short film I have already looked at institutions but I now need to think about who would publish my film magazine. There are two main magazine institution that dominate the industry and could publish a new film magazine they are, Bauer and IPC.

After looking at the two companies I would approach Bauer because they publish more magazines worldwide and do not have a magazine like mine.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Editing Research

When look at editing techniques I could use on my film I came across an article by the BBC, which just gives you some nice tips for editing. The link to the article is below:
One of there tips is be organised which I think is very important because if your organised it will just make the own editing process a lot easier. There next tip then goes onto say how don’t make your video seem like its from MTV were they endlessly keep flickering between scenes instead take your time this links to what the expert tip from Oscar winning editor Anne V Coates which said; "I don't like when it's so quick you don't see what's happening. What's the point in having the shot?" This pretty simply means cut your shot but don’t over cut and trust your shots.  One other there other tips I like is experiment I like this because with experimenting you can go wrong but sometime you can just make something which does not follow your story board but is a lot better.

Below is another link to a second site I found which gives me 12 tips for editing however I have quoted the ones most relative to my film below.

“Cut tight – The best editing approach is to cut tight scenes without becoming too “cutty”. This means taking out unnecessary pauses between actors’ delivery of dialogue lines.”

As the film is only going to be 5 minutes this is a very important tip because  you don’t want to waste time and that’s just what unnecessary pauses are.

“Don’t cut back to the exact same angle – If you have a choice of several camera angles, don’t automatically cut back to the same camera angle or take that you just used in the previous shot. This is, of course, unavoidable in a dialogue scene with only two angles and one take of each; but, if the director shot different takes with different framing, try to use a little of all of them. Don’t get stuck in a cutting rut, like master/single/reverse, master/single/reverse, etc. Mix it up.”

This technique is something I will need to considered because with a physiological thriller it is very boring if you stay with one shot which I have found in servile films in this genre and by doing more shots but at different angles will just make my short film more appealing.

In terms of edit I have four main options: IMovie, Final Cut, After Effect & Premium Pro.

With IMovie I know how it works but it does not give a professional finished product and for this reason when it comes to the editing of the film I will not be using it.

Final Cut
Final cut is good software to use for film editing however it sometimes struggles to handle HD footage and takes a lot of rendering. Also it is being discontinued so maybe it is not the best choice as it is not as effective as some of the over software I have seen.

After Effects
After Effects is a good program to use for making original titles and creating CGI special effects, we will probably use this for our title and logos and maybe some CGI in the animation scene. 

Premium Pro
Premium Pro is similar to Final Cut but does not have as many as the issues as Final Cut. I think this is the program I need to focus on learning for our film editing as at the moment I do not know enough about how to use it.

Thursday 16 October 2014

Special effects and make up

For the short film there will not be many special effects of make up needed however, we will need to get some fake blood for the murder scenes and the bible animation scene.

We also need to get some petrol and a safe location sorted out for the scene where the bible catches on fire. To do this we will book a science room.

Crew List

Crew List
Below is list of the roles and who are doing them. All of the roles I have put below I found on the BBC website which includes all of the different crew members. The link to the website is below

Director- Alex
Producer- Myself
Line Producer- Myself
Director of Photography (DOP)- Dan
Production Designer/ Art Director- Alex and Dan
Gaffer- Myself
1st Assistant Director- Dan
Editor- Myself
Production Manger- Alex
Sound Recordists- Dan

Additional Crew Members
Focus puller- Myself
Clapper Loader- Dan
Location Manager- Alex
Grip- Myself
Continuity or Script supervisor- Dan
Sparks- Dan
Costume Designer and Hair and Make up – Dan
Storyboard artist- Alex

Still Photographer- Dan and Myself when needed

We will also have two more crew members when filming who will be on cameras and help with the moving of equipment.


The budget to make the short film would be around £5,799 if we really had to start our company from scratch and pay people properly. 

crew and actors.

Looking at how long short films normally take to film I have decided it's most likely to take one day maybe more but unlikely, this means crew and actors will cost around £750 and this alongside the equipment cost gives a final cost of £5,799.

Luckily we did not really have to spend anywhere near this much because college provided the equipment and everyone worked for free. 

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Equipment List

Equipment list

Canon 5d mark 3 £2000                   
64GB memory card £30
50mm £300
300mm £800
Tripod £10 
Monopod £10 
Steady Cam £20
Dolly £30
2 male actors £150 per day each
One female actor £150 per day
2 Crew members £150 per day
Mac £1,049.00

After Effects £800

This comes to a total cost of £5,799

Character description

Below is the character descriptions based on Alex's script:

Character Descriptions

Peter Deluca/Edward Stevenson
A pained teenage boy with two lovers, Hugo and Sarah. He is the central character who, in his mind, forms many realities and time shifts . He is not particularly strong, nor is he weak. He is an average late teenage male, not really following any stereotypes related to his sexuality.

Another teenage male, about the same age as his lover, Peter/Edward. He is the one to convince Edward to kill Sarah, in anger he is murdered by Edward. Although not shown in the narrative, he is a character formed in the mind of Edward, who does not exist in the true reality.

Sarah Fitzwarin.
About the same age as the two males, she is Peter/Edward’s true lover and does in reality exist, though not in any of the ‘realities’ we are shown. She is murdered by Edward/Peter and takes him to heaven. She does not really follow any stereotypes and is an average teenage girl, she does wear a white dress in the ‘heaven’ sequence.


A biblical character, aged around the late teens or early twenties,  looks older than either Edward/Peter, Hugo and Sarah. He has no dialogue, but constantly shows an expression of extreme anger.


Another biblical character, Cain’s brother. He, too, has no dialogue, and is always shown as deceased, he must look about the same age as his brother.

Third script draft

After some corrections to the shot list we had to make some corrections to the script.

By Alexander Prynne


1-1The street feels dark, empty, solemn. There appears to be no one around, only the flickering of street lights can be seen.

And then the sound of an unsettling, female’s, scream and many, male, grunts coming following it.

1-2,1-3We move to see EDWARD STEVENSON brutally beating his girlfriend, SARAH FITZWARIN with a large rock.
1-4The image of the rock flashes quickly to the image of an apple being held in the air. The apple of Eden.
1-5, Blood already covers his face, clothes, and, particularly, his hands.

1-6,1-7, 1-8We see an almost identical scene, a short brief one of the first murder. CAIN is standing over ABEL, hitting him with a rock.

2-1,2-2There is a ringing phone, heard coming from EDWARD’s pocket. He stops beating SARAH and takes out the phone.

2-3He answers it.


Who is this?

Sarah. Sarah FitzWarin.

2-4EDWARD looks down to the bloody body, before standing and walking away.

Yes. Who is this?

Who am I? Ed…

Is this Peter, Peter Deluca?

EDWARD thinks for a moment. It feels silent and peaceful.

Yes. My name is Peter Deluca.

Can you still hear me?

2-7EDWARD looks at his phone.


2-8After no reply, EDWARD puts his phone in his pocket.

2-9He looks back over to the body.

He walks over to it and, with no emotion he sits beside it.

My name is Edward Stevenson. And I murdered my girlfriend.


3-1There is an empty street, more of a back street behind some houses.

But it was not I who wanted her dead. But… I could see the reasoning.

We turn to see EDWARD sitting alone on a wall, looking down to the pavement as he drinks from a can.

3-2Another male walks up to him, he is of the same age. This is HUGO.

Good morning Peter.


Morning Hugo.


What about her?

She’s changing you, Peter.


I know you love her. But don’t you also love me?

Hugo. I do love you. But…

What? What is it?

There’s something about Sarah. I don’t know what it is.

No! You must know exactly what it is. You love me. You have always loved me!

But I desire Sarah.

No, Peter. No.

We cannot be together anymore Hugo. It is not supposed to even be.

You must kill her.

You want me to kill Sarah?

3-15HUGO places his hand upon EDWARD’s shoulder.

Yes. She is corrupting your mind...Edward…She is changing you. She wants to control you. To take us from each other.

She’ll take us from each other.


4-1EDWARD is standing over the body of SARAH. He is holding his phone down to his side.

EDWARD crouches beside the body, 4-2taking hold of SARAH’s bloody hand.

Must you have died so soon? Must I have been the one to find you here lifeless?

4-4A hand comes down upon EDWARD’s shoulder.

Death is pre-decided.

4-5EDWARD looks up to see SARAH standing over him. She is wearing a white dress.

4-6EDWARD quickly stands, terrified, and he shuffles away.

No. No! You do not speak to me. You are dead!

I don’t feel dead, Edward.

But I see your body by my feet.

I see no body, Peter.

EDWARD looks back over to the body. There is nothing there. No body, no blood. Absolutely no sign of a murder at all.

I watched you die. I felt you die.

4-11SARAH takes hold of EDWARD’s hand and pulls him slightly.

Come with me.

They walk off together. Hand in hand.


5-1It is dream like. Almost heavenly. Though it is also empty.

Come home with me.

5-2EDWARD and SARAH walk towards the building, still hand in hand.

Where are we?

Welcome home Peter.

This is not my home.

No. Not your home, Peter. This is our home.


6-1EDWARD is sat on the ground, his head in his hands.

HUGO walks up and sits beside him.

Have you done it yet? Have you killed her?

I can’t kill her Hugo. I can’t.

Do you not listen to me? Do you not care for me anymore?

No! No I don’t.

6-5HUGO quickly stands and grabs hold of EDWARD, 6-6pulling him up.

6-7HUGO throws EDWARD to the ground.

6-8EDWARD quickly reaches for a rock and 6-9starts to hit HUGO.6-10

6-11HUGO falls to the ground, dead, as 6-12EDWARD stands over him. A scene almost identical to EDWARD’s murder of SARAH.


7-1CAIN drops the rock beside the body of ABEL, he is breathing heavily.

The apple sits beside ABEL, stained by blood.

Pain. Passion. Anger. Deceit. We are all humans. We do as we desire. We love as we choose. We control our world. No one else.



7-1EDWARD is walking alone towards the old house.

My name is Peter Deluca. And I murdered my boyfriend.

He walks away into a light.

            THE END.