Tuesday 1 April 2014

Final double page draft

After a third look I changed some more spelling mistakes and added some more detail.

Final draft

If you could be another member of the group who would it be?

Jordon: I would want to be Zack the lady’s man
Reece: I’d like to be Jack because I would like to be as funny as him.
Jack: I would like to be Zack because I would like to be the centre of attention for a change
Zack: For me I would be Jordon so I could do 50 kicky ups straight

What age did you have your first kiss?
Jordon: My first girl friend was when was 12
Reece: My first girl friend was my next-door neighbour I was about 8
Jack: Well I have never had a girlfriend but my first kiss was when I was 9
Zack: For me I had my first girlfriend when I was 11

How much would you kiss a member of the public for?

Jordon: I could not put money on a kiss it is only for the people you love
Reece: £1000 and then I may think about it
Jack: I could not sell a kiss because it is a special thing that is personal to me and the person I kiss
Zack: £200 a nice round number

Who is the most famous celebrity you know?
Jordon: My most famous celebrity friend I know is probably Olly Murs
Reece: I’d say the most famous person I know is Prince Harry
Jack: I don’t really socialise outside the band so it is probably Jordon, Reece or Zack
Zack:The most famous celebrity is Katey Perry

What did you want to be when you were ten?
Jordon: For me my dream was to become a pop star
Reece: Well when I was ten I wanted to be a fire man like my dad
Jack: I wanted to become check out person in Morrisons because I found it fun bag packing in Scouts as a kid
Zack: I really wanted to be a doctor and follow in my parents footsteps

Who was your role model when you were a kid?
Jordon:My role model when I was a kid was Ryan Giggs                                                                            as when I was young I loved to watch Giggs play  football at the weekend.
Reece: My role model was Tom Jones mainly because I wanted to be as famous as him.
Jack: My role model was my Dad who brought me up after my mum died.
Zack: For me my role model is  my mum who always supported me when my dad said I could not do it but I have showed him I can do it.

Have you ever used singing to impress a girl?
Jordon: Yea why not you need to do anything to get ahead of the competition
Reece: My singing may impress some girls however I don’t do it to just impress girls I do it because I enjoy singing
Jack: I never thought of trying that maybe I will try it sometime in the future
Zack: yea if you got it flaunt it.

What would be your perfect date?
Jordon: My perfect date is a night out in the cinema eating hot dogs
Reece: The perfect date for me is sitting at home watching TV and eating takeaway
Jack: My perfect date would be anywhere with my girlfriend
Zack: The perfect date would have to be in France on top of the Eiffel Tower

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