Thursday 6 November 2014

Props List

Props List

Costumes (such as the white dress  Sarah wears)
Large Rock
An Apple
Fake Blood
Mobile Phone

Tuesday 4 November 2014


Lighting Research
In film making there is one main lighting technique, which is could three point lighting which is technique which uses three different types of light which are:

Key Light
This is when there’s one light, which is the most powerful and placed to the side of the camera or subject so that part of the image is well lit and the other side of the subject has a shadow.

Fill Light
This is when you use the key light set up and then you have a second light which makes it a softer light and fills the space the shadow is so there is no shadow.

Back Light
This is when you have the fill light set however you also have a light behind the subject this is so the subject is better highlighted and becomes more of the main focus of the image. This type of set up is not very good for my film because it will involve allot of moving around and having so many lights will mean little space to move around and even in the none moving scenes I will want to get servile different angles meaning even when not in a moving scene this lighting set up will not be very good.

Looking at this different types of light techniques  I will mainly be using Key and Fill light this is because they are the most convent when film as Back lighting is very over crowed and hard to use when you doing a action. The back light set up is also not good when you are filming because it limits you as you don't want the light in shot so by having three light out there are only several angles of shots you can get.