Technological Advancement...
Since the first ever film was captured over one hundred years ago (which was just a simple image of a house running) technology has advanced so much that the face of moving image has changed a lot. It has gone from black and white to colour, from reels to disks to digital. Theatre experiences have gone from 2D - 3D complete with surround sound. Home cinema technology now even lets you watch 3D and HD in your own home complete with surround sound and curved screens that give you a stunning image from every angle.
Digital convergence has also had a big impact because the film industry can now reach you anywhere even through your mobile phones - in short, thanks to technology you can watch and make a film just about anywhere and get it to an audience.
Digital convergence has also had a big impact because the film industry can now reach you anywhere even through your mobile phones - in short, thanks to technology you can watch and make a film just about anywhere and get it to an audience.
The advance in technology has meant anyone can make their own short film of a professional quality because in the last five plus years camera such as a DSLR have become cheaper and now anyone is able to afford them to make short film. For our short film will be learning and using four different Canon Digital SLR camera; the 1000D, 600D, 6D and 5D mark 3.
Also, with the development of technology we now have memory cards that can save hours of high quality footage and this makes production cheaper. Before this digital revolution film was shot on expensive reels that cost hundreds of pounds each to buy and develop which really made things hard for independent film makers. But thankfully things have change and this means my group and I will be able to afford to film hours of footage when in the past we could not have afforded to do it.
Due to digital technology develops editing has also changed. There are now so many different editing softwares such as IMovie, Final Cut, Premiere-Pro and AfterEffects to choose from editing a professional looking short film has never been so easy. Sound editing software has also got cheaper, I have even managed to find a few free version like Audacity to learn from.
All of this technology development over the last ten years has really made the public their own producers and this links to Guantlett's 2007 theory where he argues that; "new media has eroded the boundary between producer and the audiences," so we are now at a point when anyone can now be their own producer because the equipment you need to make a film has become a lot cheaper and easier to use and it is possible to reach a real audience online.
Also, with the development of technology we now have memory cards that can save hours of high quality footage and this makes production cheaper. Before this digital revolution film was shot on expensive reels that cost hundreds of pounds each to buy and develop which really made things hard for independent film makers. But thankfully things have change and this means my group and I will be able to afford to film hours of footage when in the past we could not have afforded to do it.
Due to digital technology develops editing has also changed. There are now so many different editing softwares such as IMovie, Final Cut, Premiere-Pro and AfterEffects to choose from editing a professional looking short film has never been so easy. Sound editing software has also got cheaper, I have even managed to find a few free version like Audacity to learn from.
All of this technology development over the last ten years has really made the public their own producers and this links to Guantlett's 2007 theory where he argues that; "new media has eroded the boundary between producer and the audiences," so we are now at a point when anyone can now be their own producer because the equipment you need to make a film has become a lot cheaper and easier to use and it is possible to reach a real audience online.
So, in conclusion the development of technology has meant that everything required to make a film/short film is now affordable to the public which ten years ago would never have been possible and this means my group and I have every chance of making a successful short film.
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