Thursday, 19 March 2015

feature article construction

For the first step I opened up a Photoshop document and then used the paint bucket tool to make a black background.

As you can see above the next thing I did was get a film reel image, once this was done done I put in scanned images of the drawings (used in the burning of the bible section) in each part of the film reel so that it looks like the screen shot above on the right. 

For the next step I started to add text, I used American Typewriter typography for the masthead to make the masthead  I used InDesign. One of the main reasons I used InDesign was the American Typewriter typography is not have available on my version of Photoshop. InDesign also helped me add a thick line under the text, I also used tools such as the transform tool which helped me add my own twist onto the text, I also made the text bolder however in thickness not size on InDesign and  having done that I saved the text and  put it onto Photoshop adding it on my feature article, however for my feature article I just used a simple Myriad Pro typography text as I believed it fits well into conventions of feature articles I have looked at.

Once having done this step I got a screen shot of the bible burning and put that under the first section of the feature article. The reason for doing this was so I could break up the article.

Next I added in the final parts of feature article as you can see above and took a quote from the article and put it in-between a part of the article, by doing this I could break up the article so the feature article looks more attractive.
For the next step I used the rectangular marquee tool to make a line to put above and below my quote on feature article. (Shown above)

For the next step I put this image above of the main character Delcua  on the Photoshop document. Bbefore doing anything with it I first of all cropped the image so the image went from a medium long shot to a medium close up shot. I then went image>adjustment>black and white to make the image black and white. 

For the next stage I went onto brusheezy and got a smoke brush once I downloaded the brush I used  a overlay texture to go over the image of Travis playing Delcua. On the brush layer I also turn the opacity down to 67% so it became transparent I changed the fill to 86%. I also in this step used the rectangular marquee tool to make a border for the burning bible. 

To finish of the feature article I add in some text to go above the image which just tells you who is in the image and who he is playing, this is a common convention I found when looking at other double page film articles, I also added text in the top left corner to just show the title of the magazine. 

1 comment:

  1. Basic/proficient level of care, use of ICT and communication skills.
