Friday, 13 December 2013

Masthead audience research

Before deciding which masthead to use on my magazine I made a survey on survey monkey to ask my target audience what masthead they like the most out of five choices.

 Masthead 1
 Masthead 2

Masthead 3

 Masthead 4

Masthead 5

The question I asked was:
Which masthead would you prefer for a pop magazine?
Below is chart showing the results of my survey monkey.

So from the results on this survey I have come to the conclusion that masthead 2 will be the best option for my magazine this is mainly done to the fact that my target audiences liked it the most shown by the survey results.

1 comment:

  1. Overall, you planning falls into Level 3 (top end) as you demonstrate proficiency in all areas and excellence in some:
    * Planning is complete and detailed
    * There is proficient/excellent research into similar products and a potential target audience
    * There is proficient/excellent organisation of models, stars, drafting and flat plans
    * There is a good/excellent level of care in presentation
    * Time management was excellent
