Friday, 25 October 2013

Researching photographic technique

In this post I will be looking at
Poses and Framing

I'm going to start of by looking at lighting which is very important when taking a  picture, if the light is to bright you will not be able to see the picture,if its to dark it will not appeal to people that look at the magazine so the light needs to be just right, this is so you can get a image that's bright but clear and eye appealing. When researching about light I came across this video below on the left which has really taught me one of the most important parts of lighting and that's the position of the light. I normally just turn the light on and leave it where I found it but after looking at the video I have learnt how the smallest movement of  light can change the shape and size of the shadow. In reflection looking at the video has made me a better photographer as it has taught me to move the light to different locations to see what effect it will have on the final image.


I  found this video to the right hand side above as well when researching lighting and it really helped  me get a better understanding to refine my basic knowledge of lighting.

To practice my lighting skills I got a cd, pipette, water and a sources of light then I put drops of water on a cd and movie the light around the cd and took some pictures at the same time. 

When I first took the images they where to bright so I decided turn of the lights in a cupboard so it would become a lot darker so hopefully I would get more of a rainbow effect coming of the cd.                               

After changing the lighting in the cupboard of the cd I had to get a brighter torch as the images I took where to dark as you can see to the right.
After changing the torch the images started coming out perfectly and the one to the right is my favourite out of them all as you can see a clear rainbow effect on the cd.

Location also plays a important part in a photo as it could be as simple as having a white background or it could be at a music festive.One of the key things with the location is that it  must relate to the story or genre of the topic, for example, you don't want a country singer in front of a city land scape you want them in a rural location. For my images I know that the location needs to be carefully thought of, it also needs to follow common conventions of my genre for my magazine. When looking at fashion shots I came across this video below which has taught me its better to take time over one picture and make it perfect than rush and take 100 pictures and hope that one image comes out.After looking at this video I found two key things to remember one take your time, set it up how you want it and focus on every detail until its right. Secondly I found  if you cant get the location you want you can just make it, then if you create it how you want and also if its in you don't need to fight with the elements.

Poses and framing are a important part of each image,  the way you pose has an impact on the final image. Whatever you pose it will be shown though the camera so you don't want someone to pose looking angry as they will come over as angry and in the pop genre everyone is happy. Truthfully I did not now much about poses however I came across this video below and they said about the hands and how if they are tense the image looks tense and I never thought about the hands in a image.When I take my photos for my magazine I will need to instruct my model on how to pose and this video has really made me think about every last detail that goes into the image.

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